Mix It Up!

Jul 25 2015 – Oct 22 2015
Mix It Up!

Lauren Lysaght, Gauguin's Lei  (Detail), 1995. Collection of The Dowse Art Museum. Purchased 2001.

"If you take the time to stop and notice you’ll soon discover not just one but all the blues in the sky and the seas. The hues of green in the grass in the trees. And the yellows of the earth and the dappled sun on the leaves."

Mix It Up! is a new exhibition celebrating the joy of colour, full of artists from The Dowse's collection who have chosen to work with shades of blue, yellow and green. These colours appear in combinations either blending harmoniously or audaciously opposing each other, giving the watchful eye something to consider, enjoy—and inspire.

Featuring work by Michael Smither, Louise Henderson, Lauren Lysaght, Paul Maysek, C.H. Howarth, Milan Mrkusich, Joanna Paul, John Parker, Rodney Fumpston, Val Sutherland, Kristian Fredrikson, Gary Tricker, Gordon Walters, Val Sutherland, Ann Verdcourt, W.A Sutton, , Richard Buckley, Mark Lander, Richard Parker, G Pieri Nerli, Dennis Knight Turner,  Vera Jamieson, G Trevor Moffit, and Shay Docking.