Isla Ashby (Top Subject Scholar for Painting 2020), Heretaunga College.
Some of New Zealand’s best secondary school artwork will be on display at The Dowse from 10 - 14 May 2021, as part of the Top Art exhibition.
The exhibition features a selection of Visual Art portfolios which achieved Excellence in NCEA Level 3 last year.
Five streams are covered: design, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture.
“We are delighted to welcome students, whānau and the wider public to The Dowse, to see some of the amazing artwork students created in 2020,” says Dowse Learning & Engagement Manager, Cat Bennet.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Chief Executive, Dr Grant Klinkum, said “Top Art showcases the work of New Zealand’s young artists, while showing the calibre of work assessed as Excellence at NCEA Level 3.”